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Flexibility of rubber


New member
Hi pro/e's

As all of we know the rubber components have flexibility to compress or extent like spring. In pro/e wildfire there is a option to make a component flexible. I have done this for spring but i do not know how to do this for rubber. For example assume it is boot or bellow used in vehicles.
I think that features are in WildFire 3rd edition... Ihave readsome topics about this problem...
sathian83 - there is no problem for the simple shape, as You now for sure.

I had an opportunity to work with o-rings which after assembled should
change not only outer and inner diameter but also a shape of section,
from circle to ..., hm, to something that is a circle no longer. It is
possible with relations, hard, complecated ones.

The flexibility is not a tool to allow You change a shape in all ways
You want to. Flexibility is a tool designed for all of users which
should change the shape in sesion(i.e for assembly position), but
without changing the part itself - this is special case for example
Pro\e and Pdmlink configuration.

Summary - if you want to change the shape of rubber part, you should
first tell pro\e how it should do it. there is no magic behind this
Product What's New
Support for Flexible Components in Kinematic Assemblies

Pro/ENGINEER Assemblies with mechanism connections or packaged components and flexible components, such as springs or pipes, can be kinematically dragged in real time by excluding the flexible components from the assembly during dragging operations.
Product Information

Pro/ENGINEER Foundation Advantage

PTC Support Release
Wildfire 3.0

Product Functional Area
Simulation - Mechanism Design & Dynamics

User Interface Location
Benefits and Description

You can quickly and easily see a mechanism in motion in Assembly without suppressing or deleting a flexible part that fully constrains the assembly.

Right-click the component in the Model Tree and choose Exclude from Mechanism from the shortcut menu. To include the component again, right-click and choose Include to Mechanism from the shortcut menu.

The component is excluded from the mechanism and Pro/ENGINEER temporarily suppresses the flexible component from the calculation of mechanism bodies. The mechanism can then move as if the flexible part was not present in the assembly. After the dragging operation, the flexible part regenerates to the correct geometry based on its defined flexibility.

