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Flexible Assemblies


New member
Can anyone point me to a website or tutorial that discusses how to utilize flexible assemblies and/or parts? I have searched and searched, but for some reason nothing of value really comes up.

I have found the following page, but it doesn't really explain how to setup the functionality:

Thank you in advance for your help~

I am on WF 3.0, but any help for other WF would be helpful..

Edited by: dreweb
If you have PTC's manuals in PDF format you can find the infoin the --advanced_assembly_extension.pdf -- file. I too have tried to find some info elsewhere(not extensively)but so far no luck.

However I have used the ' flexible' feature/component ability before and it's pretty easy to use and gives apowerful new ability to modify a part in an assy.. So while I keep looking for info, here's a quick synopsis for you.

The flexible feature/component seems to act like a family table of a part that is stored within an assembly and does not affect the part model. You can add dimensions, features and other items to this 'table', specify how you want them to be changed and those itemswill be affected only in the assy.

To access it, pick a component in an assy, then rt click and pick -make flexible.

AFILTER windowpops up that allows you to add newitemsto change or control. By default, dimensions are selected and if you pick the part again in the assy all its dimensions are shown. Pick a dimension that you want to make flexible in the assy then pick the PLUS symbolnear the bottom. The dimension is added to the list. Next pick the 'new value' box in the window and enter what you want the new dimension to be in the assy. Picking -ok- closes the box and changes the dimension in the assy.

To go back and change the now flexible part just -edit definition- for the part. When the placement window comes up there is a -define flexibility- barnear the bottom. Pick it and the 'filter' window pops up. Note- you can toggle back and forth between filter and placement windows by picking the appropriate button at the bottom of whichever window is showing.

Also, if youwant a feature of a part to be flexible, it can be suppressed or resumed as desired. Again these only affect the part in the assy and not what is stored. Short of finding a tutorial, just experiment with it for awhile which I'm sure is how most of us find out how to do new things. Hope this helps
Thanks for the help t_spraker. Hopefully soon there will be some quality documentation on these features.
I found a Powerpoint presentation for flexible components from the 2005 PTC convention. I dont know if its ok topost it here but if you PM me I'll send it to you.
Edited by: t_spraker
two "words" to the subject

indeed flexible components is a great tool, but I want You to know that there are some drawbacks with that tool like a missing ballons on BOM ballon report on drawing(table with repeat region)

and take in mind that flexible can do only this what design of model allows to do, nothing more

