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Flexible Modeling -


New member
Wondering if anyone is using Flexible Modeling Extension (or what ever it's called now days) in their workflow or do you even know what it is? It started out as ME20 then ME30 then Cocreate then Direct then the rendition incorporated into Creo Parametric as 'Flexible Modeling'

I did teach a couple classes using Creo Direct over the years. That stuff is more popular in Europe. Anyone comment?
I have used it for modifying both Step files and Pro-e files to communicate design proposals for molds. It does not work for sheetmetal parts to my knowledge, I would use it for them too if it did. I do not encourage users to mix flexible feature with released Pro-e models , only for concept models is my position.
the only time my company has used it is when we had parts that were purchased from a third party and that party went out of business. we needed to be able to produce parts and lacked CAD. so the parts got scanned and imported into CREO. after scanning, some elements needed to be fixed or modified so flexible modelling was used. the models are kind of a P.I.T.A. to work on but they work for what we need them to do.
I am using this often while working on imported geometry(STEP), and on native Creo models, especially on parts considered to be made of plastic. The biggest potential those tools present while working on STEP or IGES, that is for sure. changing or healing imported geometry with flexible tools is pleasure contrary to Import Data Doctor.

On ordinary part modling side my favourite tools are Remove and Substitute. The secong one is an evolution of Offset > Replace with significant advantage: it allows to replace couple of surface by indicated quilt contrary to one in Offset > Replace
I have been designing a 2 day class for the flexible modeling functions. Heal is a term used for Import data doctor. The fact that 'canoemike' asked about heal, I want to add at least 6 hrs of the Import Data Doctor to that Flexible Modeling Extension class.
Interesting topic. I have not used that aspect of Creo. I think I may have seen a demo. Who knows? Based on the responses, I can get an idea of it's purpose. When it comes to editing imported geometry, I go old school and use the "Legacy" function. I find it a lot easier to use. I never was a fan of Import Data Doctor. Maybe it was just my ignorance. :)

