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Fonts in Pro/E to DWG export


New member
I've searched for similar topic, but no luck. The problem I have is related to converting fonts when exporting drawings to AutoCAD DWG format. Namely, I'm using various fonts (mostly 2 types of fonts - one fixed width and one variable width font). Our customer needs to have DWG format of all the drawings we create. So we set dxf_export_mapping_file to map the colors and export the drawings to the DWG format. No matter what font options I choose with export function in Pro/E, variable width fonts get converted to fixed width, so text in the tableis then streched and displayed out of the table cell boundaries.

Is there any option to preserve variable width fonts? Are there any fonts that can be normaly used in both programs (that are supported in ACAD and PROE)?
Well, I'm aware of that, but this topic covers both forums (drawings and data exchange) and not all the users are interested and do not read both forums.
While exporting a pro/e drawing to .dwg format, it will show an UI in which u need to change the valve for "Text Alignment" to "Fit" so that u'll get the same width factor in Auto CAD as it was in pro/e.

