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Forum Chrome Support


New member
Does anyone know of a way to get in touch with our MCAD
Central overlords? I tried to PM cdtoad with the
following, but the PM function is broken.

Are there any efforts underway to upgrade the
forum for better support for Google Chrome? I currently
use it and the forum doesn't like it much. The WYSIWYG
editor doesn't work and all my posts are truncated to ~80
characters per line.

Recent news reports have said that Chrome is now the #1
browser, surpassing IE. Better support for ti would be
Yes there are efforts going on... I too am on Chrome as
are most of the folks I work with.

When did you IM me? Never got it. Another reason to
upgrade everything.

I didn't PM you, I tried to but the PM function is broken.
There is no 'Post' button and the CAPTCHA is missing.
I use Chrome too. I am unable to hyperlink, post images
using Chrome. The typed text too is of fixed width. I then
need to open IE to post.

