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Free CAD Software

you can download a 30 day license of Pro/E and we have students obtain the student version but it's usually a revision behind.
The student version works real well and is very inexpensive. It goes for around $220 and you can buy it right from PTC. There are others that sell it as well and you can find them on the internet. You won't get much support for $220 but when I had installation problems they were helpful.

If you are pretty sure you are going to be working with Wildfire for a long time go with the student version and not even bother with the 30 day version so that you won't have todeal withthe installation twice.
Pro/ENGINEER is not one of those programs that you can pick up and learn on your own. You can only get so far and in so much time.Many of us on this forum including myself did learn it on our own. You can do it so do not be discouraged if that is your intention. It just takes years which is why we started the Design Engine... to help people learn this vocation more efficeintly. In my plastics class for example I spend time telling stories of where I or others made mistakes on plastic parts. I then use that as a lead in to share tricks in Pro/ENGINEER that would if used prevent me from making those mistakes. I try to cram years of experience into two days in that example.

So it would help you to have a friend to work with you to get good enough at Pro/E to get a job.Design engine has made a business of helping under employed or unemployed mechanically inclined individuals gain employment in industry. We have a 15 year track record of doing so and as such have built quite a network ... 15 years of past students who can aid in one's future employment. Networking is important.

The classes have evolved over the years to help draftsman move past drafting into designing parts and assemblies. We have helped others break out of drafting to obtain skills in harness design and or sculpted forms for ergonomics as well. I see so many people on linkedin forums talking about taking classes at a community college to become a draftsman and they find the dead end and no job. in order to compete in this world you have to specialize in something other than drafting because for one we don't do so much drafting anymore and the companies that do think drafting is still important outsource to India now (India will be out of work soon too) unless they can specialize as well.

Engineers should specialize too. Learn Mechanica and Mechanism, Sheetmetal, Progressive die extension.... Never stop bettering yourself!

Each new module can give the Pro/E contractor degreed or otherwise another $10 USD more per hour.

I wrote this blog post on design engine to explain better what to do when you gain word that an eminent layoff might be in the works .... or if you already got the pink slip. What to do?
Edited by: design-engine

