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Freeform wire


New member
Any suggestions/tips on how to model a freeform wire? I'm trying to figure out how to get it to smoothly go through all 3 planes.
Really need more information for what you are trying to do.
Are you using the Routed Systems module or are you trying to place points
in 3D space and route a curve through those points?

I wastrying to model a simple wire that translates through the x, y, and z planes. I essentially did what your second description says. I made a 3D spline and moved the points around to shape the wire. Then I used the lofted extrusion and used the 3D spline as the path. Everything looks ok. I haven't used the 3D sketch before this, so I wasn't sure how to get started.

Thanks for your reply!
I don't like going thru planes. I like to take advantage of the parametric ability and parent child relations....

So instead I will draw out 2d curves on each plane then make the 3d curve thru (end points) or between those curves. A couple extra features but this technique is much easier to modify later and understand what you doing in the first place.

Edited by: design-engine

