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.frm File Size...


New member
Dear All:

We have a slow internet connection between our facilities and it takes quite some time to transfer files via Intralinkif they are large. I have all of our drawings based on a template which was created from a form (.frm) and for whatever reason, the system brings that .frm file with every drawing and the .frm file is 3.56 MB. I don't understand this since a drawing file made from this form is only 100k or so. I can't get rid of the dependancy of the .frm file, but is there any way to reduce the .frm file size to a reasonable level??????
The drawing can be smaller that the FORMAT (not form) file because it only references the format, just like it only references the model. That is why you need a minimum of three files for every drawing: 1)drawing, 2)model & 3)format (assuming your drawing has a model). However, it is pretty stupid of intralink to keep sending the same format over and over. Can't you configure intralink only send changed data? Have you tried to reduce the size of the format file? My biggest format file size is 760Kb and it is an A0 dual language monstrosity, most of them are less than 400Kb.
I turned the compress_output option on and got it down to 2.4 MB. There is a graphic in it which is now the main suspect I guess, but I don't recall it being that bit. It's a pretty simple title block, etc..... it hsould not be so big.
was the grapic created as a spline and if its has any hatching in it that may cause issues, dunno.
Just asa follow up. Even though the .jpg graphic file included in the .frm was only about 100k, it ballooned the .frm file size greatly. I cut the resolution on the .jpg file substantially until the .jpg size was only about 7k and now the .fm is only 100K or so. Case closed.

