Pro/Engineer creates TRAIL FILES, one per session, which generally accumulate in the startup directory (or intial working directory). As these files needed to be flushed off the disk periodically, it would be great boon to track them with ease if they are made to store in a seperate directory. This is how you do this.
1.Create a folder ex
roe_trail_files in any of the drives.
2.set TRAIL_DIR with value as the path to the directory meant for the TRAIL files.
a)pro/e 2001 users can use the BROWSE button to set the value for the optin under discussion
b)Pro/E 2000i users must type in the absolute path with four back slashes as the delimiter
ex: c:\\\\dnreddy\\\\proe_trail_files
1.Create a folder ex
2.set TRAIL_DIR with value as the path to the directory meant for the TRAIL files.
a)pro/e 2001 users can use the BROWSE button to set the value for the optin under discussion
b)Pro/E 2000i users must type in the absolute path with four back slashes as the delimiter
ex: c:\\\\dnreddy\\\\proe_trail_files