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G code for lathe machine (Fanuc)


New member
Hi all !
Can someone help me to start learning to programming lathe machines using G-code (Fanuc)?
I need for that some easy parts (drawings) and the programs for machining. I think that is the faster way to learn if I see how other do that.
Note, please that I use (yet) SW 2007 so, if you have some drawings in newer versions of SW, please save it AS .JPG files.

Thank you very much !
Here is my private mail address : [email protected]
Thank you for reply, BenFranklin. I followed the first link and I find very useful information
However still I think I need some simple examples.
Hi, In Lathe CNC programming, Parameters are first indicated and set such as G54 return to work reference or G28 as zero return (Before and after the program). Feedrate and Mcodes are added such as oil on, Spindle turn clockwise. common used G codes would be G92 as threading, G00 rapid positioning, G01 Feeding motion. X and Y would then follow based on the machine coordinate system. This would normally be for 2 axis lathe machine.

Thank you CADHARTS.

Look guys: I have good knowledge and good skills in programming. But not for CNC machines. This is a new challenge. And my skills in machining are not as good as in programing.

I am sure there are a lot of tips to learn:
I see some blocks identically at the beginning of a lot of programs. (i.e G21 G40 G54). I can understand that. I think there are more other "fixed" constructions.

Between G70 and G79 there are codes for cycles. (maybe there are more others and I do not know at this time). EVERY cycle has it's own parameters. Of course I can read about. But I am not sure that I understand ok. If I can SEE some programs where this codes are used !!!! It is the reason I need also the parts drawings.

More: How you use variables in programming ? How you use subroutines ? Is it a way to pass parameters between the main program and the subroutine ? (I am sure it is, but how ?). And so on.

Please help me, if you can, with some codes AND drawings !

Thank you in advance !
Mihail, before you go down the path of using variables
and subroutines in your programming, please confirm that
your CNC control accepts variable/subroutine programming.
Otherwise you will be wasting your time.

Many CNC controllers have the capability to do such, but
if you don't have the feature 'turned-on' (paid for
option)the controller will give programming error codes.

I used to do a lot of this kind of programming in the
'old days'when memory was limited. Granted, one can be
quite creative writing very powerful and short programs,
but time is money and MasterCam, Surfcam, etc. get the
job done efficiently.
Go to MDI mode or write a very short program, include a
simple command using a variable. You will need the
Controller Mfg. Programming manual that defines how
variables are expressed, eg. #31=25.0 or [V31=25.0], etc,
then use it in a simple command. For example
G01X2.50Y7.7F#31 or F[V31],however common or local
variables are expressed with your control. If it runs
without alarms, take it up a notch and use a expression,
eg #32= #31+.00565 or #33= COS[#32]. You will soon know
if you have the option or not.
Thank you all.
Yes. My CNC accept variables. But this is NOT the great challenge.
I wish to learn from basic to advanced. And I KNOW: the best way is to understand good programs.
There are many things that I don't know. So I can't ask punctually. Is the (one more) reason I ask for programs AND drawings together.

