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gear generation


New member
For the simulation analysis, the modeling of the engine component is in process. The teeth of gear component are to be made with generation method to have real parts for noise and interference analysis as we are manufacturing the same with gear hobbing and shaping,. How the teeth of gear can be made in Pro E with generation method having shifted profile

E-MAIL [email protected]
hmmm this is pretty complicated because if your gear has less than 17 teeth than you must use correction profile. This can be done with help of Pro/PROGRAM and RELATIONS...
Just for my info:
Are you using laser cuttign machine for this?
Hi If you need a gear generated from a rack or a shaper cutter. Then send me the details of the cutting tool and i will send you the tru shape of the gear that will be generated along with the transitional curves.

[email protected]
Hi jbuckl,

The gear that you have uploaded does not contain the curves below the base circle dia. To get the true shape you have to generate the profile with the help of a rack profile. then extrude it along a helical path.

I can do this in autocad, but don't know how to do it in pro engineer. I am uploading a file as an example.

NModule = 5, NPA = 20, HA=20
Hi Hanro tools,

Sounds like you make more gears than we do.

But my for2p:- using the rack profile will give a'closer to master'approximation of the tooth form than an equation if the resolution is high enough but equation driven profiles seem ok for direct made simple mechansim types of gears, maybe not high speed transmissons though.

Dear jbuckle,

We are a tool manufacturing company. We are into manufacturing og gear cutting tools, Like Hob cutters, Gearshapers, Shavers and Rack type cutters. We also manufacture milling cutters.

That is why we need the profile of the gear below the base circle also, so that the tool can be designed to make a gear, which will make its root as desired by the design. Also making the root where it forms edges is not desirable, as the corners are prone to fracture during heat treatment. Hence the tool should make a smooth blend as to eliminate all the stresses, which can come into existence due to heat treatment or due to loading on the gear.

We ahve a vast knowledge about gears, If you ever need any help, Do let me know. I would be glad to help you if I can.


thanking you very much friend,

will you ple send bevel gear model and procedure



technical assistant

coimbatore institute of technology




