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General drafting - is Pro/E good for it?


New member
If I want to make a diagram, i.e. four tires, turning radii, etc. with dimensions, labels, etc. is PRO-E at all appropriate for that?

I did it all in a sketch- which kind of worked in that I could set up all the relationships - but I can't change colors - I can't convey the informatioin, etc.

I've got AUTOCAD LT and I have a feeling that it would look a lot better. This is totally a 2D solution. Any opinions?
If it is just 2D, I would do it in AutoCAD. There may be ways to do that in ProE, but I don't know about it after ~8 years of using it.

(I'm not an expert, just a regular user)
You could try to make a skeleton of the linkage using datum curves and points, then hang parts on it if you wish.

Us the skeleton in the drawing along with the dimensions.
You will not be able to have parametric dimension if you just do a drawing with on model you will also have little control of the drawing"creating a drawing liked to no model" is a bad thing and should not be done in Pro-E. solid works and inventor can do this just fine. having different colors can be done but it will be a lot of work. what information are you trying to conv
Allow me to answer my own question...

I think its a question of trying to drive a screw with a hammer. It can be done, but why?

Pro-E is a 3D package and does not have good drawing tools (like ACAD). So the answer is no, don't bother. Drawing and detailing are very different things.
You can, but the detailing pacjkage tools are not geared to stand-alone 2-D drafting. It tends to be a bit clumsy. It is not so bad if you want to add a few 2-D bits and associate them to a existing view generated from a model.
I would definitely use AutoCad.
Think of AutoCad as a drawing program where Pro/E is a (3D) modelling program.

Kind regards


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