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General referencing tips


Hi there,
I have been using Creo now for years but have just joined a new company and need to learn Solidworks.
So far so good, seems to have some great features!
However, I cant get my head around referencing? In Creo you are able to copy geometry (surfaces etc.) from one part to another within the assembly and use skeleton models etc.
What are the options in Solidworks? I could do with some tips or some good links to referencing resources etc.
Any help would be very much appreciated - before I get sacked for being incompetent!
Thanks again!
Think about external referencing within the rules of SOLIDWORKS modeling. The building blocks are features, most features must have a reference plane or planar face, then a sketched contour, and finally an extruded feature(PSF). At the assembly level to create external referencing you will need to insert a part, either an existing part or a new part. With a new part you will need to select a plane or planar surface in the assembly to create an in-context relation. This will begin a virtual part(indicated by ^ in the part name) and put you into editing the first sketch. If you insert an existing part you will need to create mate relations to the other parts in the assembly too position and restrict motion. You can then edit the part while in the context of the assembly and add additional referenced features(like holes).

Good luck,

