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General smooth blend--2001


New member
Hi everyone,

I have a feature that was created by a blend (general, smooth). 6 previously sketched datum curves were used as the sections. I want to add a new section that is offsetted by a few inches from the end of the blend. I sketched a new datum curve that is the same shape as the other curves and moved it up the family tree appropriately. I'm having a problem adding this curve as a new section; my blend turns into a very odd shape. I'm using Pro/e 2001. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

It sounds like you don't have the section start point on the correct vertex, causing the feature to twist.
Hey thanks for the tips. The new section I want to add would be "section 1". Is there anyway I can reorder the sections so the old "section 1" would be "section 2"?
It's not possible to reorder the sections directly in Blend option. If it is really neededwe can do it by EDIT REFERENCES.

Thanks for the tip Zen; I'll give it a shot. There are over 100 features that come after this blend so I really want to avoid rolling it back.
It got it to work without using EDIT REFERENCES.

I just went in and added my section as "section 7". Then I redefined each section 1 through 7 by selecting the datum curve that I wanted and delete the old curve in sketcher mode. Worked out great.
Ya. It's a good idea...


