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getting Matlab or Excel data into Pro/E


New member
I have a simulation of a two serial link robot in Matlab. When I run it, the output is a set of values for each of the two joint angles. That is, a certain time increment (.001 seconds) is specified, the simulation is run, and the output is basically a two column matirx/tableof values where each row shows the angle position of each link at each increment in time.

Now I would like to make the robot in Pro/E and have it "show" the output of the simulation. I assume this means using pin joints with servo motors.

My questions is, how can I feed in the output of the Matlab simulation? Matlab can create Excel files that have the sameform as described above. I would prefer to go from Matlab usingM-files or something, but Excel would be good too.

Could anyone tell me how to link Pro/E up with outside sources of input like this? If there is no way, please suggest what alternative I might use such as manually entering the values into Pro/E somehow.
Edited by: 2ms1
Well I don't know about the procedure to import data from MATLAB. But there is a reverse method available : to take pro e mechanism into MATLAB.

MATLAB has a module called SinMechanics (mechanical modeling component of Simulink).I have some basic knowledge of SimMechanics. I am also working on Design of a Robot (6 DOF manipulator)and found out that it is better to combine the programming and simulation functionality of MATLAB with the 3D modeling functionality of a 3D modeling software.

I haven't used SimMechanics in my project yet. But its help files say that I can import mechanism made in Pro E (or any other 3D design software) and use it in SimMechanics with all the programming functionality of MATLAB. here is website

and here is a translate to convert pro e mechanism to SimMechanics model. I hope it helps html

It says you can perform kinematics and dynamics analysis in it.
Good to know about that. Thanks for the links. The only problem here is that, in this particular case, I really am trying to do basically the exact opposite thing.

Ineed to go from a mathematical model of bipedal walking in matlab that gives numerical results, to a physical model that translates the numerical results into physical/visual results in the form ofmotion (animation) of a CAD model.

review page 2 of this:

I know it can be done from excel (and MathCAD, as they have recently been aquired by PTC), have you used Pro/Mechanism before? I believe when you are creating the motor feature in Pro/mechanism, you have options to import data as x vs. time. I do not think ProE is bidirectional with Excel (I know it is with MathCAD tho). Thus, if your analysis in matlab changes, the numbers need to be reimported into the pro/mech motor definition again, it's a one way astreet.

I apologize I don't have the exact button clicks, as I am not in ProE right now, but the process is something like:

Create Model in ProE, leave assy underconstrained- launch Pro/Mechanism - define joints and motors (importing x vs. t from excel) - run analysis - save movie file. I know this isn't a complete answer, but hopefully it points you in the right direction.
Thanks for the pdf. It's very informative in many ways. The only things is, unfortunately, it doesn't go into how to import Excel data, it just affirms that data from apps like Excel and MathCAD can be imported.

Does anyone here have any experience at all with either imoprting excel data or at simply manually entering a table of values for position (degrees) of a servo motor. I'm figuring it must be done somehow in the servo motor definition box as shown below.

Edited by: 2ms1


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