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Golf Driver


New member
I need to model a golf driver and its giving me all sorts of problems.

have been able to get my hands on other kinds of golf clubs (wedges,
etc) but I find that making those is not as demanding as a driver.

Anyone out there takled something like it? Have any models to show? any ideas on how to go about it?

This driver was made by Paul Salvador in Solidworks. How did he do it?


Thanks for any help!!!
what part are you having trouble with?

I havent done anything like this and i am only fairly new to this but i
would start with a solid box and cut away what i didnt need to get the
shape of the head.

Once i had the basic shap that i wanted i would just just soend some time smothing it out using filets and what not.

As i said i am only new to solid works and have tought myself so there is probably an eaiser way of doing things.

