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graphics card selection


New member
I'm currently experiencing really slow performance when doing drawings. My assembly isn't particularily large (a few steel structurals with connections). I'm considering upgrading me Dell Optiplex GX520 integrated graphics to a FireGL V3400.I only have single display. Will this help?

<DIV>My own personal experience favors Nvidia Quardo cards (Quadro is the line specifically for CAD, don't get a GEForce gamer card or you will be no better off than you are now). Do you have an available slot for a video card? Even a base model Quadro is fairly inexpensive and by taking over the graphics functions from the cpu you should notice some improvement. Quadros also have something that the FireGL card doesn't - Realview photorealistic shading in real time with little to no system overhead. You should also do a thorough audit of what programs are running concurrently with your CAD program, the size of your swap files, fragmented files...little things like this can add up to drag down even the fastest systems. You may be looking at a problem with more than one cause and solution.</DIV>

