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Graphics Card


New member
Hi all,

What's the best graphics-card for solidworks?

Thinking about an QuadroFX3450 for my new dual-core Xeon 5140 setup.

Is the QuadroFX4500 noticable faster? is allso twice as expensive....

All suggestions are welcome


Hi Bart,

If you have to ask, I doubt you'll appreciate the difference. Over the past 2 years I've gone from beginner to advanced consumer-organic-industrial design with 2 companies as a contractor. I've worked my way through ~6 or 7 computer systems between home ans the 2 jobs, so I've seen the whole spectrum in computer systems. The first employer tried to get me to use an integrated graphics chip - lasted through training class.

The assemblies I'm working on now have around 200-300 components. I have a FX-540 with 4GB Ram (probably overkill - but cheap).

Unless you are doing some super high res rendering with PhotoWorks, the 3450 is probably overkill. Wait for a year until you "work your way up" to the better system.

My 2 cents worth - Mike

