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graphics issue


New member
Hi all,

I have a problem with my graphics. When I rotate my assembly it goes real chunky. and sometimes sits for several seconds before it will jump to a next orientation. If I think too soon it is finished then I rotate it some more, and then it goes all kilter, and then I have to really try to patiently coax it back to where I need it to be.

Running 2001 on a Dell work station Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.40GHz with 2048 MB of RAM.Xp Professional, Graphics card NVIDIA Quadro FX4400. This should fly...

Any suggestions?

You may need to 'tune' your card/driver for Pro/E performance.

UG had a setting that would turn the solid into prismatic features when rotated, which could be turned on or off from within UG. I am assuming that they were actually playing with graphic card driver settings.
Thanks for all the responses,

My assembly so far has 231 components, I estimate when I'm done it will be twice that.

I have shade with edges enabled, and the shaded is giving me problems.

No hidden line takes a long time to redraw, the rotation flickers, but it goes fast enough.

Hidden line really starts my CPU to work to redraw.

Wireframe is no issue. Maybe I have to flip back and forth between wireframe and shaded.

Isair, I will try to experiment with some of these settings, that is a helpful link.

rmatija, I will try shade without silhouette edges.

Ben, I tried to play with the card settings, there is a special setting on it for pro/e, I also set the to open_gl. Is there anything specific I can look at?

Thanks again, guys, and if anyone has some more light to shed on this?

Hi all,

I just tried lod in environment, and that gave me smooth rotation. the display of the components turn really chunky, and it takes a second or two to redraw to normal. Is this what I am looking for?

Well this is one of the options (I have this icon right next to shade) so I turn it on when I need better performance or off when I want better quality.
But you should definitely try with other config options as well.
Also 231 component isn't big assembly especially on this kind of machine, unless if design of components is complicated.
I'm suspecting that this is hardware, driver or maybe OS issue, but I'm not sure what exactly.

Here is example of my assembly I'm running on Athlon Barton 2500+, 1Gb of memory, and NVIDIA Fx5600 ultra. This assembly got 95 components. If you feel that this kind asm should get chunky on your machine then definitely is something wrong with hardware or drivers.View attachment 1499

