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Does anyone know how to get the graphic and photolux library to read into the color and appearance editor. For some reason my graphics library doesnt come up. I am assuming its a config setting just like the ADV_PHOTOLUX setting.
I had this problem earlier .. You just have to install graphic library and than recopy all textures and all installed thing to basic library of PROE. After installing graphic library (cca 240MB) system automatically create new folder in program files:
I have it like this: C:\Program Files\graphiclib
Than just open this new folder and select all folder and files what you can see. Copy these files and past it into the C:\Program Files\proeWildfire 2.0\graphic-library. It should be working.
I've tried this but still can't get it to work. I think I've somehow got the wrong directory names.

Can anyone list of the directory and file layout that should be in place for the graphic libary to work properly?

Much appreciated,

If this is what you want

View attachment 2441

then add these options in the config (2nd one is not required)
pro_texture_library x:\Library\graphiclib\<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
texture_search_path x:\Library\graphiclib\graphic-library\textures

where the graph lib is installed acc to following structure
View attachment 2442

There is no 'special way' to install it, just the folder selection.

Hope this is what you needed?

Thats what I was looking for, thanks!
I'm afraid I'm still struggling and would appreciate any help.

I've set the graphics
libary option as:


Which points to the graphic libary directory:

C:\Worthington_Sharpe\_Projects\ProEngineer_Graphic_Libary \graphic-library

This seems to work, at least it finds the appearance.dmt file in

C:\Worthington_Sharpe\_Projects\ProEngineer_Graphic_Libary \graphic-library\materials

but when I try and open the photolux system libary I have the same problem
discussed at: 30917&PN=1

Could someone explain how Pro/Engineer uses the graphics libaries? For example,
in the graphics libary is a "ARX_Photolux_Library_Textures" directory
with a load of graphics such as: aligator_green.jpg, aluminium rough.jpg, blue
dimpled plastic.jpg, etc. Are these just standard textures that can (or should?)
be placed in the textures directory within the graphic-library\textures directory? Or does Photolux use them

I'm a bit puzzled by the whole setup.


SW wrote: Or does Photolux use them differently?
Well... I think yes..As we know PROE are using *.tx3 textures (and WF 3.0 fully support *.lwa textures)..

by the way.. Does anybody know what is new in new Graphics Library? I have read that the PCT published some new edition under this name: Graphics Library v.3 and it is bigger than old edition .. It should be with new *.tx4 textures or even with *.lwa ....
The textutres in the "ARX_Photolux_Library_Textures"
directory I mention above are all appear to be .jpg images of a texture
on a curved shape. What is the significance of this?
What you mean you still cant get it to load? when you create a new appearance the photolux in the dropdown as in my snapshot aint there?
nope. I loaded everything I thought I needed to and the photolux or the regular library are not in the dropdown. I only have the standard materials.
Are ya sure you are running the correct license file with photolux in it? Its about the only thing I can think of. And acc to this support answer the addition of the texture library in config should be sufficient.

Check below for the line that has to be in your license file

The appearance (*.dmt) files in the graphic library "adv_materials" directory belong to the PhotoLux System Library. They are intended for use with the PhotoLux renderer, and not with PhotoRender. Accordingly, the materials in these files will only appear textured when rendered with PhotoLux. To see a preview of these materials in the Appearance Editor window, select #Options > #Renderer. To render using PhotoLux, set the Renderer to PhotoLux in the Render Setup window. The Advanced Rendering Extension is required for this functionality. Refer to
[url] =201&num=1&show=y&keyword=869 [/url] for more information.

To avoid confusion, set the option "pro_texture_library" to the full path of the directory containing the "graphics-library" directory and restart Pro/ENGINEER. Then use #File > #System Library or #PhotoLux System Library to load appearances in the Appearance Editor window. Choose appearance files from the appropriate library, depending on which renderer will be used.

#FeatureName Qty Product&nbsp ;&nbsp ; Release Type Expiration Contract
#*********************************************************** ***************************************************
#148&n bsp;&n bsp; 1 Pro/ENGINEER Advanced Rendering&nb sp; Wildfire 2.0 Ext perm 3A255031
#PROE_Flex3C 1 Pro/ENGINEER Flex3C (Flexible Engineerin Wildfire Flt Lic perm 3A255031
#ILINK_CLIENT_License 1 Pro/INTRALINK&nbsp ;&nbsp ;&nbsp ; 3.2 Flt Lic perm 3A255031


