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Gtol annotation


New member
We use &g59:26 to get a gtol in one of our custom symbols for a helicoil. I am always guessing for the number after the colon :# I think it stands for the version the gtol in the drawing was saved but it's always a guess. Is there a quick way to see what # it's looking for?

We use &g59:26 to get a gtol in one of our custom symbols for a helicoil. I am always guessing for the number after the colon :# I think it stands for the version the gtol in the drawing was saved but it's always a guess. Is there a quick way to see what # it's looking for?


My drawing is new so it was simple &g59:0 Going forward I would still like to know a quicker way maybe you just keep going to the next number but if you forget the saves I am wondering if there is a version numbers stored somewhere?
The number after the colon is the session ID of the component. It is dependent on the number of models you have open and the order you opened them in the current Pro/E session. One of the easiest ways to see them is to use the switch dims command, the dimensions will switch from their numeric value to their symbolic value and you will see something like &d123:0. The number after the colon for a dimension, gtol, etc will be the same for any given component. Again, the session ID can & will be different the next time you run Pro/E if you open up other models and drawings.

