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Handling Lots of Models Outside Intralink


New member
I have assemblies that contain over 300 parts.... In the folder where all these files are I have a huge mess of old parts that never worked or just junk parts. My question: I want to clean these folders up and get rid of everything that is not tied to the assemblies... (I have one large assmebly with all it's children per folder) Is there a way to grab the assembly and move it to another folder and have it take the required children with it? Or identify what is NOT used in the assembly so I can blow it away? I'm pretty confident I will end up doing it manually for hours and hours.
read in the top level assembly that contains all the components you want

change working directory to a new empty folder

temporarily change the settings

override_store_back to YES


save_objects to ALL

Save the top level assembly which will save all the "good' components to the new folder.

Shut down Pro/E

archive the contents of the old folder just in case

move in the new folder

No problem.

Or the easier the Assembly, File > Backup and pick a new folder.

It will take the assembly and all releated parts. The only
problem is that it won't take drawings with it. You will have to
do that manually.
Yep, as you can see, old habits die hard.

There is at least one difference between these two methods.

Backup will NOT save accelerator files

Save objects all WILL save accelerator files depending upon the setting of

A small difference that may or may not be important and there could be others


