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I am trying to show Hardfacing on a Steel Product my company manufactures. The Steel part we manufacture undersoes lots of abrasion and so a hardfacing is done. We do ot usually show it on a model, but now marketing needs it. I am ot sure how to show a hardfacing. Its irregular and has some texture to it

Do let me know how it can be done

It seems strange that marketing is using the Cad model instead of actual photos. I have modeled hardfacing before on some of our parts but never with any detail. It was only to visually show the areas that would be hardfaced. You could spend days modeling detailed hardfacing. It seems like a complete waste of time.There isn't a quick way to show detailed hardfacing.

Edited by: megadeth0
we at design engine get many projects that would normally be given off to a photographer. We simply render the product or the hundreds of iterations of product hence CREO. We usually don't render them in Pro/E because of the quality and lack of control however marketing usually finds us often 1/10 of the cost of producing each iteration of a product then photographing that.
You need to find a reasonable surface texture to apply to the hard facing area for the rendering. No way you want to try to accurately model the hard facing surface irregularities.
we use a bump map or a texture map.... because of the recession were busy.

poor product photographers
Edited by: design-engine
Looks like the Hardfacing needs to be shown in the model. Can you tell me the best way to model this?

I usually just change the color of the surface. Sometimes things like texture and detail get lost once I hand it off to the marketing guys, once they shrink it down, start playing with it, or then again hand off to a grafic designer.

