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hardware any good?


New member
I am basically looking to do some rather simple designs and was wondering if my computer would be able to handle solidworks reasonably well. i have P4 3 GHZ processing with 1GB of ram and a radeon 9800 pro vid card. Is that sufficient?
check the video card on video card area .

Limited number of accelerated windows. Amount of video memory determines the number. If 64M - 128M of memory, 5-12 accelerated full screen windows.
Catalyst Version : 6.4
2D Driver:
3D Driver:

I'd get a different card, go to 4gb ram and set your page/swap to 6gb. You'll have no problems until you get into major assemblies, then a 512 or 1gb video may be needed.

I have the fire gl v3100. it works fairly well.

