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Hi all,
I need to know wat r t system requirements to install solidworks 2006,since i want to migrate to solidworks from solidedge, the amount of assembly parts can range upto to 1000, so in order to get a fast processing wat sort of hardware is used .
Thanks and rgrds
trust me get as much ram as you can I run 2005 solidworks and this is far more demanding on my system than my ProE WF 2 not sure what solidedge is like I have 2 gig of ram and an fx1110 video card. I still have to wait a while the program rebuilds models! my assemblies never generally go over 500 components. Also get a P4 or athlon 64 and also a western digital raptor 10000rpm drive to allow fast access to your stored information. I release this is quite an expensive range of kit so go for ram and video card first and then spend what you have left on what you can afford,

p.s make sure your card is certified by sw and that it supports real view for more realistic veiwing of your models!

hope ive been of some help

I'm considering SolidWorks. The products I design are pretty simple typically less than 50 components.

Is it practical or possible to run SW on a well-equipped laptop?

hi, so what kind of videocard you prefere???

i am starting with solidworks and i'm looking for a chip, but good videocard for it.
I'm hoping someone here can help me.

I was using solidworks with a P4 2.8Ghz with 512 RAM and no video card, it worked beautifully.

Now I have 3Ghz IBM with 1024 RAM and an ATI 9600. For the most part its smooth enough, but when I go to do some operation... like zooming after tumbling the view point, or when I use smart dimension on a line, or select two surfaces to mate, etc. I look at the hour glass for 4, even 5 seconds at a time. It's aggrivating to work with. Tech support has passed the buck. I've already made sure that the journal file is stored locally, and performance settings are far from aggressive. What else can I do?
Kmikkelsen said:
I'm hoping someone here can help me.

I was using solidworks with a P4 2.8Ghz with 512 RAM and no video card, it worked beautifully.

Now I have 3Ghz IBM with 1024 RAM and an ATI 9600. For the most part its smooth enough, but when I go to do some operation... like zooming after tumbling the view point, or when I use smart dimension on a line, or select two surfaces to mate, etc. I look at the hour glass for 4, even 5 seconds at a time. It's aggrivating to work with. Tech support has passed the buck. I've already made sure that the journal file is stored locally, and performance settings are far from aggressive. What else can I do?

Seems strange but I notice a lot of people having issues with newer computers and ATI video cards. You can change some of your performance settings in Solidworks under tools/options/performance tabs. You might also check the compatibility of your video card on the Solidworks website. Generally when I ran into issues in the past I would update all my drivers and experiment with both settings in Solidworks and my video card to resolve issues.

To the person who started the thread the more memory you have the better your computer and Solidworks will run. I think 512MB is a minimum but once you start getting into large assemblies or parts with lots of features (text and things like that) it will lag quite a bit. I would check the Solidworks website for compatible and testing videocards and make my decision from there. As long as I have worked with Solidworks its always been a memory hog so I try to keep my other open applications to a minimum while running it especially when things get complex.

Hope this all helps out GL

