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Helical feature


New member
I would like to create a sheetmetal part that is basically a flat
circular disc that has a sprial kerf cut thru it's thickness and not
breaking beyond the outer circular part edge. I would then like to be
able to translate the center portion away from the rim & allow the
structure in between these two planes to "take on" a helical shape.
Another option would be to create the model in this deformed (bent)
shape & then unbend all. Any idea on how to approach this in
Wildfire 2? I need the unbent shape (flat pattern) for the
manufacturing drawing, but the deformed view for the assembly
visiualization. I would also be open to creating a single solid model
with two family table instances for the flat & deformed states if
that is easier.
You would do it as a surface follwoing a trajpar variable of your choice. Convert it to Sheetmetal and ...

If you have a small flat wall on the end you can use that flat for flat pattern.

Sorry for the late reply. Attached is an image of something I "hacked"
together to get the idea across. Unlike a bent / unbent sheetmetal,
however, I'm afraid my two family table members (bent & unbent) are
not truly the same part (It is really three somewhat independant solids
"glued" together). Is sheetmetal my best option for simulating this?
How? Any input is appreciated.

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