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Helical like feature


New member
I have a part where I will have wire wrapped around a bobbin similar to a transformer. my bobbin is not round but will be square with rounded corners. I'd like to show on the part the wire as it is wrapped around the bobbin. in essence, I would like to show the wire as it is wrapped in a helical manner around a non circular geometry. clearly this is purely for visual accuracy as the actual geometry of the wore will never be measured or inspected. But, I've tried a few things and cannot seem to figure it out so now I'm curious as much as anything as to how to accomplish this.

I believe that in Solidworks you could create a square helix but I don't seem to see that option in Pro E anywhere.

Any ideas how to accomplish this?


hi Michael,

you can do it very easily!

creat a surface offset from your bobbin thru a dist half of your coil wire dia. draw a line and wrap this line around the offset surface. use this wrap curve as sweep trajectory of your coil.

see the picture.
Hey, thanks for the help. that works great.

I never thought about the wrap command. it's not necessarily straight forward to get there, but the result is certainly what I wanted.

F.Y.I., you don't need the surface to create the feature.

That is sweet. I don't understand why they stuck features like wrap and project under the edit menu, I always forget to look there.

