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Helical Ribbon


New member
I'm familiar with helical sweeps but a user where I work wants to create a helical ribbon. Can someone give me an idea of how that would work? It's almost as if you have to be create the profile of the sweep looking from the top.
When you say ribbon, what comes to mind, is just a very flat profile. so, instead of 8mm diameter stock to make a coil spring for instance, you would use a .25mm by 8mm rectangle to make the ribbon. Seems simple enough, so I'm going to guess I am misinterpreting your question.
I'm not explaining it clearly enough probably. Think of taking a piece of chewing gum (stick kind) and grabbing bothshort ends and twisting.

I think Ive' tried what you're saying and what I get is more of an auger like feature.
Edited by: jason_
that's it, thanks a bunch!!

By the way, which release of Pro/E are you using? You must be on WF4, I don't get a rotation definition in WF3, can't even open your file.
Edited by: jason_

