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Helix around a circle?

Click on the articles section of this forum. There is a tutorial on this.

There is also a file in the Files section which you can download and reverse engineer it.

Hey thanks israr for such a fast reply... but couldnt find articles that could help in this regard.. if there is anything else please let me know...

thanks again..

Guess it's hard to find if you don't know what you're looking for. Hope that's the right one.

You'll have to create some additional construction geometry to get the rectangular wrap. Think I'd just revolve an offset surface and intersect with the VSS ribbon to get a wire sweep path (sounds good, anyway?).
Hey jeff, i went thru that earlier too, have to really see how that works... thanks for the tip.. i'll try that.

Any modelled part would be more helpful...

Ok, here ya go. WF2

Note the sketcher relation for the VSS.

A bug becomes apparent if you create a full rev feature so leave it open (or so it seems, the intersection curve goes to pot).

It's also a bit of a resource hog. Might help if you'll set a relative accuracy or loosen the existing .001 abs tol.
Yap, thanks jeff... well u have used trajpar... i dont know how that works... can anybody throw some light on it.. what is trajpar?
one more thing.. u have created a sketch called xy_.. what is that for?

and in VSS i am not able to select the curve as single entity.. it is going to chain selection.. any tips?
Trajpar is the length of the trajectory measured as a ratio, 0 to 1. Note the line "section" is dimensioned with an angle relative X or Y section axis. The relation defines the angle (0 to 1) * 360 degrees * number of turns. There are a number of articles and tutorials around showing various uses of trajpar.

The xy_ sketch is just to size my start models to some sane value. No relevance to actual model geometry.

Yes, standard one-by-one chain for the trajectory. I started with a full circle, found the buggy intersect curve and trimmed it. You might just start with a 350 some odd degree (or whatever) arc (will be a single curve?).
I'd consider your method _The_ elegant way, considered it (a sweep was actually what entered my mind) but came up with a blank on how to generated the point set for the rectangular section in a spreadsheet. (Possible? Practical?) The relative simplicity of the created surfaces regenerates much faster.


If I may go off on a tangent: I've wondered for some time and never get around to asking; is the offset csys datum point the only way to create an "array" such that it can be used for datum curve creation, etc. without picking each point?
Edited by: jeff4136
Here is the same part with the size & number of datum points modified with an excel spread sheet. It is very basic, but you can change the parameters at the top of the spreadsheet and then cut & past the new values into the .pts file with a text editor. I use TextPad which is a freeware program. Pro/E is a little weird in that it appends the points in the point file rather than replacing them so you need to delete all the old points first before importing a new points file. Just pick the first & last with the shift key held down, RMB and pick delete.

For really fast regen times just redefine the pipe feature to NO GEOMETRY but I find it regens pretty fast as a solid.

I think I have created point arrays that were not offset from csys that could be picked "whole array" but I'll have to try & see if my memory is correct.
hey nice going DR, this is even better, i was not aware of this method... this is why the forum is great !!

many routes to same destination.....

