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Help! can’t select an axis in copy geom


New member
Hello All,

I am working in WF2. I have an external copy geom that references a publish geom (a set of locating datums, mostly axes) in my skeleton model. I am trying to create a revolved feature in the part, but I am unable to select any of the axes in the copy geom as the axis of rotation. I changed the selector from "All" to "Axis" with no effect.

Am I missing something obvious or is this "intended functionality".


Can you select the axis as a refrrence and then add a centerline to this reference for the axis of rotation?
No, I can only select the axis as a datum outside of the feature creation. Once I enter the Revolved tool it is not possible toselect the axis.

I posted this onthe Pro/User forum and received one reply that mentioned the same problem with coord sys's from a skeleton. This seems like totally bizarre activity. If you can't use a datum from your skeleton to locate a feature, why even mention Pro/E & Top Down Design in the same breath?!

