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Help for Beginner


New member
Stupidly i accepted a job in which i need a basic understanding of Pro E.
Now im screwed.

I have never used the program before and need to gain a basic
understanding reasonable quickly.
I was wondering if anyone could offer any suggestions for some cheap
books, online guides, tutorials anything that will help me to learn how to
use the program.
If anyone could help i would be very gracious
I once, long ago, used a book called Inside Pro|E. I mean looooong ago, it was written for release 16 (that's around 1995-6). I know, however, that it was updated for several years and may still be available & current. It was escellent, I wnet throguh it prior to my training and learned almost everythignthe training taught me. I think if it's current to WF2 or later you'll be able to get up to speed quickly.

However, in order to really get much out of any book, you're going to need access to Pro|E.
Search amazon for books by Roger Toogood. There is a handful of his books which will get you started. You do need to have access to pro-e though as dgs said, otherwise you got no chance. How long beforeyou start your new job, if you have time go for a couple of hours training.
just write it google

pro engineer fundamentals of part modeling filetype:pdf

you will find more than you are able to read
Hey thanks for the help. Ive done a search and found some good sites. Ive
also found this book that looks pretty good.
Does anyone know if its any good.
And also i have got myself a version of Pro E 3.0. If i get a book written
about Pro E 4.0 will it cause me many problems is there much variation
between the two versions.
And also i do have time for training but so far i havent found anywhere
that has classes. I live in Australia and from what i can see there is no

If anyone has any other suggestions for web sites i would be grateful.
Thanks for the Help
beet, there are no considerable differences between WF3 & WF4, so any books etc you get shouldnt be a problem.

I was about to offer you a roger toogood book and post it to you, but then I realised your 20,000 miles away
don't trust too many people at work. I see it where they stab new users in the back to their manager. Try to find someone in your town on who can help you on the weekends.
Go to, select SERVICES and TRAINING button at top, then look for PTC University. You can enroll/pay for online training in different areas. May also look at bottom of page for Contact PTC and you can call them to learn more about online training, if they have courses for beginner users etc.

OMG a fellow aussie!

aussie aussie aussie!!!

Sad to say when i picked up pro-eit was, here is some software go design us some machinery, talk about lack of support. On searching for a class of any form i failed misserably, well nothing local and my empoyer at the time didnt want to fly me anywhere for training!

As SkinT suggested the auther "Roger Toogood" does really good work, pick the right reference for your skill level and you will notice he assumes no previous experience which is fantastic. Most books i tried after that were either exceding complex or rediculously simple. Then Practice Practice Practice. When in doubt just ask the questions here as you just found the most usefull, knowledgable and friendly CAD forum around.

Fro-time. is another good resouce with video and pdfs which you can download and use at your own lesuire.
There are a few companies in Aus who provide training.

Just google Pro-Enginner training, and select pages from Australia only.

(beware, they are not cheap !.)
pft not cheap and not any goood.

Arrogant no nothings ....... i remember that ringing a bell back in the days. Things might have changed.......was many moons ago.

More specifically would be what features are you thinking you will use Beett1? As that will greatly vary your options for any assisstance.

Should you have any major problems happy to help you out over msn or something. Might cost you a round of beers tho.

neways my 2c

Edited by: puppet
hey thanks for all the help sorry for the late reply. You have all been a lot of
help. I've been mucking around with some online tutes but im not sure if ive
even got the job anymore. Still usefull to know how to use Pro E though. If i
need any more help i know who to ask
Although this is not a substitute for training, CADQuest offers self-learning Pro-E manuals.

The manuals are a good prep. before taking a training class, and are relatively inexpensive.


