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*HELP*WF2 depth options?


New member
Anyone know what WF2 depth option is for 'both sides blind'? (not symmetrical)

Quick response requested please!
Select the "options" tab on the feature dashboard, then set both directions to "Blind" and enter both distances.
appinmi said:
Select the "options" tab on the feature dashboard, then set both directions to "Blind" and enter both distances.

This is one of those thigns that always seemed strange to me. Why would PTC put the first side option selection right out there on the main dashboard but if you want to do something to the second side you have to go to Options and then select? It just seems like they both should be present on the dashboard......It's yet another inefficiency that PTC seems to have built into the product by adding mouse clicks. In SW, the options for the protursion/cut shows the selection for boths sides right there. The second side is defaulted to none but as soon as you pick the pull down it activates and allows the change. no wasted mouse clicks and certainly no confusion over where the choice is hidden!


Edited by: michaelpaul
The dashboard would be quite huge if they were to show all options there. They probably wanted to only show the most common option on the dashboard, (one direction & blind depth). All other options, (Up to surface, symetric, etc.), are within the pop-up "options" window.
Maybe WF2 or WF3 has changed this, but I have my doubts. Why can't thesecond side default to the same choice you made for the first side? blind/blind or thru all/thru all.



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