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Help with complex geometry - surface

most common problem..... the curves don't reach the same complexity as the surface. Get the curves tangent first then the curve. Seams logical but this is the most common mistake.

Edited by: design-engine
YEP. That was the problem. I got the surface to go tangent but the cross curves were not yet tangent. The Head of you product 'Y' area will pull the blend surface a bit far so the striation of the blend surface gets a little too much tension in the surface.

The two sketched end curves are near impossible in your example to obtain tangency.

Edited by: design-engine

Thanks for the advice! I thought I had the curves tangent? Which ones were not?

What two end curves are you talking about, the ones at the end of the "Y"? Can you offer any suggestions how to better model that?

Would it be possible to send me your corrected file?

Thanks again,

im using wilfire4.0 and in the middle of a surfacing class. I guess I could do it for the class. My students are fast. What version of Pro/E?

What is the product? What is the tube running the length?

Edited by: design-engine

