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Help with drawing diagram


New member
Hello All,

I am attempting to draw a 2-d circuit diagram in a drawing. I can easily do this in Autocad. What are the steps to "copy" and "paste" my Autocad circuit diagrm into a pro e drawing. Help is appreciated.

using 2000i2 and R14 not see the insert options...any other suggestions...i did a search for this process and did not find much...
I can't remember what the function (command) was to import files (I'm using 2001). But I'm most certain that function is there, probably under different menu.

We have been doing what you are trying to do for a long time (using different 2d CAD program).

You don't have a problem exporting to DXF or IGES from your Autocad, right?
I can export to DXF from AutoCAD R14...not a problem...However, I do not have an option to export to IGES...I'm guessing that a DXF will be fine for this...

I have been unsuccessful in importing the dxf to the proe drawing. I have tried import>append to model with no luck...I am still searching...

AutoCad R14 has the capability to export to three different types of DXF files which are R14, R13, and R12...this shouldn't matter?

I will continue to try...additional suggestions are appreciated...
The Import/Append to model is the right approach. The Acad release level is important. Not sure what levels Proe/E 2001 one can read but try R12.


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