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Help with .stl files


New member
Can anyone help me with techniques to produce solid partsfrom .stl files? I'm trying to reverse engineer from a laser scanner.


Are you using Reverse Engineering Extension in Pro?

If not then you are pretty much going to be remodeling the scanned in part.
csusie said:
Are you using Reverse Engineering Extension in Pro?

If not then you are pretty much going to be remodeling the scanned in part.

Sorry,but I don't know what that is.I'm usingwildfire 3. Is that an added module? Please explain.


james.lynch said:
what does it look like? techniques are VERY different depending on what it is..

Small, TV remote control sized objects with elaborate surface curves that make modelling a challenge.


james.lynch said:
how good are you at surfacing?

Not expert, by any means. I don't even have ISDX. I could probably hack my way through these things, but I aquired the scanner (NextEngine) hopefully as a tremendous time saver over modelling everything. I've had some previous luck extruding over the object, trimming, and then manipulating the trim. Thought the gurus might have a more elegent method over my caveman approach.
well basicaly it involves a curve network to be "hung" over the scaned data and then for surfaces to be built off the curves. the easiest way to do this is to create various xsections at strategic places (where you want your driving curves to be) and use the curve from xsection in order to get discrete imformation. yo can then resketch these curves with great control and hang your surfaces over these!

I built this remote that way.

View attachment 3604 &hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=RhIBD8Et8fd0xM:&am p;am p;tbnh=91&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dharmony%2B720% 2Bremote%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3DDBIE,DBIE:2 006-36,DBIE:en%26sa%3DN

Edited by: james.lynch
how do you find the next engine scanner? I'd love to see a sample scan of anything if you would be willing to upload one?
Unfortunately, I just received it yesterday, and I'm still waiting for our network people to resolvesoftware issues with our network. I'll be glad to pass info when I can.



Nice model of the remote control
....was that done for the boys in Cork?

Hi ,

I have a similar question, I have scanned bones, and now I am trying to tidy them up if that makes ense, like the parts that had to be glued down with blue tack etc..


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