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Help With Welds In Part/Assembly Mode


New member
Dear All:

I have designed a welded part in "part" mode and it looks great since I can use chamfers to represent welds, etc. The problem is that I should have a separate part and drawing for each component required for the welded part and then assemble them in assembly - however, if I do that, I cannot use chamfers to represent welds any more since I can only cut in assembly mode. Does anyone out there know a way to do this that's not a complete boondoggle??? I also prefer not to buy PRO/Weld, but if we have to, then we have to.
One option is to model the weld (symbolically) as a separate part, created in assembly using chamfer references of the "welded" part. The only problem here are external references and the solid weld (representing mass in assembly/drawing BOM), but you can subtract it (the mass) and filter it out of the BOM. This way you don't need to buy Pro/WELDING module.


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