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Helvetica Font in Sketcher


New member
Guys -

I am looking at modifying some artwork on an existing product that used Helevetica font in Sketcher. Unfortuately, I do not have that font option on my version of WF 2.0.

Do any of you have this font style that you could share, and how do I bring in new fonts into Pro/E?

Edited by: MNPIKE
You may find that the font is in your windows directoy. If not try to download it. You then drop it into your pro-e fonts directory.
I dumped the windows fonts into (.fnt) into the usascii folder, but they don't show up in then menu options. I then tried copying the .TTL files into the */Text/ file where the rest of the .ttl files are located, but no impact.

What am I missing?
there is a config option called something like pro_font_dir
point that to your windows font directory. You may have to
restart pro before you see the new fonts
Another wayis to copy the font into your pro E "FONT" path.

For example: C:\PTC\proeWildfire4\text\fonts.
What I did was copy all of my pro-e fonts to the windows font directory and then use the the "pro_font_dir" to point to the windows font directory. This allowed me to have both types of fonts available for use. Wildfire 4.

