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hi all,

I am a solidworks user and my friend is telling that pro-e is better software than solid works.Please can anybody can clarify regarding this so that i can choose the right carrer path
Which software doesn't determent the carrier path you should choose. In fact the more platforms you're proficient with, gives you more options and opportunities to reach farther up. So don't just learn one software and don't mind the others. Becuase you portfolio is going to be a short one. The more explicit and extended is your portfoliogreatterthe chances you will have.


I would see what your typical pay is for a designer/drafter inthat area you want to liveand then chech on which softwareis in demand inthat area. Then start looking for sometraining classes.
thax for reply.,

i fix one right thing now like pro-e or solidworks i can go deeper in to one thing

i think pro-e is a software which is having more options than solidwrks .
Hi, chaitu, if i have to name then i say that what ever you the software might be selecting , it should have future to it, it should give you the edge to sustain, & develop your career. And the market leader in CAD solutions at the moment is Dassault systemes & i feel that with its strong PLM offering it has a big role in future & can change the market, business process & product development.

Hope i provided a right answer to your questions.
I'm a big fan of Pro/E, and I prefer it to solidworks. I teach both at a school in Chicago IL. Our school is mostly for corp. clients, but we take individuals too. There are about as many jobs for Solidworks as there are for Pro/E, but on average the Pro/e pays a little better.
More importantly, choose your own career path, and then master the tools of that career to become the best you can. These programs are just tools to help you along, but nothing more. If you want to be a designer, then learn Pro/E to a high level, and then dabble in Solidworks and UG. Don't learn software. Learn how to learn software and you won't have any limits!
Cheers and best of luck

If you are interseted in learning Pro/E or Solidworks, check out We are pro/e experts, but our pool of solidworks guys is getting impressive.

