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Hide or show datums when assembling


New member
Can anyone give me some tips on the following issue :

When putting parts into an assembly I sometimes want to use the associated datums, but sometimes not.
Also when the assembly get large the amount of datums gets overloaded and it gets really difficult to select the right one.

Is it possible to quickly hide all datums, except the datums from the part you selected ? (or something like it ?)
I guess it will have something to do with layers and mapkeys.... Can anyone give some suggestions ?
(I have two layers on which all my datums are located : "1_all_planes" and "datums".)

I usually create a layer Extra_dtms and hide that so only the important dtms remain visible. If that is still too cluttered I will hide a lot of components that I don't need at that point. Too bad you have to remember to do that before you get into assembly mode. You can also use the FIND command to filter the datums down & select the one you need but I find that slow & painful.
You can also hide/show layers when in assembly mode - click Layers button to show layer tree, RMB layer you want to hide or show and select Hide/Unhide.

To show or hide layers of the component to be assembled, you can click the arrow button in the upper left corner of the layer tree and then pick (pick select) the component shown in the model window. The layer tree will now show only layers of the component you are assembling. Repeat the procedure above (to show or hide the layers).

I usually hide ALL_PLANES (where all start part datums are saved) and ALL_DATUM (where all datums you created on the components are saved) layers and and then unhide the master assemblyof the ALL_DATUM layer. This way ProE will only show datums of master assembly. Then I unhide layers of the component I'm assembling (see above procedure). Now only datums of master assembly and assembling component are shown.

Perfect way of explaining in english

U made it very clear without any pictures

Wonderfull way of putting things in words

I would like to add another way

Make a new layer with Rules (Datum Planes)

Put associativity and later remove it and hide that layer this will hide all the planes

each time you put new parts its plane will come and later u can put the
assocativity and regenerat the layer which i mentioned before thus
remove all planes again

How about a step by step illustaration of putting datum planes on a layer? Many thanks.



