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Hide parts problem


New member
Hi<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

A colleague of me uses WF2-M131 and he has problem with hiding parts is asm mode.

When he hides some parts in the asm and saves it, these parts will be hidden

when he open the asm next time.

(of course he erased the memory before opening the asm again)

Finally it means that he has to unhide these hidden parts at every time, when he works on the asm or on its drawing.

This HIDE function is only a temporary blanking process at other cases but not for him.

What can it be???
Well of course it is logical that if you hide part and save asm, next time when you open that asm part is hidden.
He must unhide part, save asm and then next time when he opens it it will be unhidden.

But correct way is to create simplified representation of asm (in simp rep you can easily exclude parts or subassembly's from master rep), in that way when he doesn't need that part he simply switch to simp rep and work on it, when he needs this part switch to master and there aren't more problems.
Hi Peter!

in WF, after hide our unhide any feature or part, you must save layer status. If you don't, hidden items will be unhidden the next time you open.
It depends on if you save layer display after the components hidden or not.

If you hide a part in an assembly and just save the assembly, the part will NOT be hidden the next time you retrieve the assembly.

If you hide a part in the assembly, preform a layer status save and then save the assembly, the part WILL be hidden the next time you retrieve the assembly.

