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Hiding layers in instance models


New member
I have a cosmetic feature in my model. When making the drawing I need to show the generic model views as well as the instance model views on the same sheet. However the cosmetic feature is to be shown only in the generic views. I tried to hide the layer in the layer tree for that instance , however when I do that it hides the cosmetic feature even in the generic view which I do not want. Is there a good way to do this?
It will help surely. First you have to create layer for your cosmetic feature. In my case i have created layer name "Curves".

Step 1:In the drawing, go to layer tree. then select the settings tab and select the ignore layer status from model.

Step 2: Select the arrow shown

Step3: Then select the desired view in which layers to be hide.Then select the desired layer in which you put the curves(in your case create a layer and put your cosmetic feature in that layer) and hide it. It will hide in only that view.see image

Step4: You will get this image


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