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Hole and cosmetic in 2001


New member
In Pro/E 2001

If the function HOLE is used and you makes a standard ISO hole including the cosmetique..

After that you redefine the hole. You supress the cosmetic.

Now we are not able to redefine any more this hole.

Is this normal or is this a parameter which is badly adjust ??

I cannot understand what is you design intent and how you try to make a standard ISO, UNC or ONF hole.

I think if you try to use the native way Insert>hole> from the hole type select standard, you will not find any problem to manage your holes right.

If you create a hole and after that create the thread on it then I suppose you come up with problems

If you have something else to discuss don

I cannot understand what is you design intent and how you try to make a standard ISO, UNC or ONF hole.

I think if you try to use the native way Insert>hole> from the hole type select standard, you will not find any problem to manage your holes right.

If you create a hole and after that create the thread on it then I suppose you come up with problems

If you have something else to discuss don
Ok sorry

First I use Insert>hole>standard hole and I make a UNC with the fonction cosmetic activated, then I press OK

After that I pick the hole and clic the right button in the menu I pick Redefine, the native Insert>hole appears, then I desactivate the Add Thread Surface. Then I press OK

Now if later I have a revision on this hole I can't use the fonction Redefine....Why ???

Sorry for my poor english I'm a french guy


use proe Datecode 2001200 and i try it and everything goes right. You can redefine the feature

which version do you use?

can you send me the part so i can examine it in my software?

[email protected]

