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hole callouts in models

I recently learned this in Wildfire 2.0. Not sure what your using, but this is how to do it in WF 2.0:

First, Annotations must be displayed in your model tree. When they are displayed, they are nested below Hole features in the model tree. You can select the annotation in the model tree, right click, and select "Erase". It is not a permanent erase. You can bring it back by selecting "Show", if they have been "Erased".

If the annotations are not visible in the model tree, select "Setting" above the model tree. Pick "Tree Filters" and check Annotations under Display (along left side). Then they will be visible and selectable.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: I just did a search on this forum and found that you can change the display for all notes:

Tools/Environment/ Uncheck 3D Notes


Set model_note_display to "no" in

(these two do the same thing)

Edited by: AchrisK


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