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Hole Charts

Hi all,

I needed to get the standard hole dims obtained in pro-e 2001to match with my company specified hole dims, for tapped holes and counter bored holes. I explored a lot and finally ended up with the hole charts in the <installationdir>text/hole folder. I was able to modify the tapped hole dims but was not able to fix the counter bored holes' dimns.

I tried out CSINK_DIAMETER, CSINK_ANGLE, CBORE_DEPTH, CBORE_DIAMETER in the Hole chart, but Pro-e does not read the file with above parameters.

i want to know how to fix these as well.

There are Hole parameters like FASTNER_ID, MED_DEC in pro-e 2001. but nothing conserned with counter bore and counter sink. but still proe assumes the default values for these.

I know about hole_diameter_override.

Can anyone help?

Thankyou in Advance.
Here are the parameters in the order they come in the Wildfire 2.0 hole charts:

Thankyou Robertib,

yes i have seen these in Wild fire. But will these work in pro-e 2001.

Have you tried out?

I will also try these, but its very tidious to edit the hol files.

Itried to edit in microsoft exel. I was able to import the text in excel (only used the table part of the hole files to be edited) but was making a mess while coming back to text format.I was also able to add columns to the table but again lost the fromatting in the text format.Any tips are invited.

