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Hole feature WF2

Personally I hate the hole feature, just seems too much trouble when a simple extrude and chamfer is done in seconds
. Like goose says though, there are options available in the dashboard.
I think this is for use with flat head screws. Allthough they don't seem to be the correct diameter for that either. One would think that if the hole has threads then it wouldn'twant to be c'sunk for a flat head screw. (Hello PTC!!!) You can open the .hol files in Excel and change the values to whatever you want them to be. (build dir\text\hole\*.hol)

Engineering Features
Using Hole Charts

Use a text editor to modify *.hol
(maybe WordPad if NotePad looks goofy or Excel and *.csv).
Save a copy the files before you play with them.

