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Hole Notes Not Available In Mirrored Parts


New member
I am using mirrored parts in a weld fixture. When creating the part drawing for the original part, I can show the 1/4-20 hole note. In the mirrored part the hole and the thread is present but when I go to the Show Dialog Box and select note it responds with No annotation can be shown message. This is in any view and any selection method. I end up typing them in by hand.

Is anyone else having this problem, and if so does anyone know or a fix or workaround?
I've always detailed mirrored parts on the same drawing, and the mirrored one has a note that it is "other hand of .... except as noted", and then the only dimensions and notes are of features you added to the mirrored part after the mirror.
That's what I thought. I have tried some of the above methods. I'll probably stick to referring to the note from the original part. Thanks for the replies.

