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Hole on a curved surface problem

Yes, just below the surface so as it just breaks out and leaves a thin slot . I then want to load the slot up with round balls ( in an assembly which I might need help with as well !!) that slightly protrude beyond the yellow OD.
Thanks for the reply.

What I am struggling withto begin withis being able to produce the centreline/trajectory start point for the profile /circle to follow around( following the centre line of the existingraised rib and just below the OD).

Appologies but am of only intermediate abilty so would need it to be broken down into step by step .

What trajectory did you use for the ribs? I would think you could use the same for the slots.
Hi Kenppy

You are a genius and have saved me a fortune in paracetamol, if i now can just figure out the stages you went through.

So I can see how you did the helical sweep to produce the rip ( have taught me an alternative ...ta ) and the solify to chop the tail off . And I can just about follow that you used the top edge of the rip as the trajectorie and then offset the profile sketch to centre it and remove material ( have I got that about right ? )

But ... what I dont get is the offst at the end . What does this do and its purpose ???


mcalinden said:
But ... what I dont get is the offst at the end . What does this do and its purpose ???
offset replace is a useful way to clean up faces that do not end exactly where wanted -- but note that it only works with single surfaces [and datum planes] not quilts.
Thanks for that although am still not 100% with it but will look into that technique some more myself.

Thanks again for your time and patients .

I want to move the vari sweep in by 6.0mm each end . I edit def and grab the handles to adjust and the preview looks fine but when I apply the origin reverts back and the other side remains . What am I to do ??<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
So I have my 3.2 spiral slots and wish to fill this with a line of 3.0 balls that are not quite touching ( am hoping to get 3D printed ) and are on the axis of the slot . Is it possible to do some kind of pattern or how can I achieve this ? I have added on ball in roughly in a thru section .

Thanks in advance

View attachment 5705<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
in the part define the curve that is the centre of the ball path, place a point at the start of this and pattern, this may take a few goes till you get the centres right. in the assembly place the 3mm ball on the first point with a point at the cent6re of the sphere and pattern. just tried it with this quick test.View attachment 5706
Hi kenppy, thanks for your continued patience with this ,however I am struggling to follow your last post .<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Stage one

