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Hole on the bow


New member
Hi all !

I have a curved sheet metal surface. The projection on the TOP plane appeare like Robin Hood's bow. That means I have not the same radius along the bow. In this sheet I cut a hole. The hole projection on the FRONT plane is a circle.

I make this part's drawing. In the FLAT PATTERN view, the hole looks like an egg. But this "egg" has not only ONE line. It has many arcs.

I need to SAVE the drawingAS .dxf file for a plasma machine. And, because the plasma machine program "see" many arcs, it (the program) try to make a piercing at every point where an arc begin.

Note, please, that I try to use PEDIT commandfrom AUTOCAD to join this arcsbut with no succes.

Hope you understand my problem and you try to help me.

Thankyou all !
Thnk you for reply, Michael !

My holemust bea circle in the formed sheet. It is a hole for an ordinary tube in ASSEMBLY. In the flat pattern must looks like an "egg".

I"solve" this problem today.I use TOOLS -> SPLINE TOOLS -> FIT SPLINE and I "hunt", in the drawing (in FLAT PATTERN view, using CTRL key),every small curved line because SW don't allow me to select all at once.It was a hard work. And I have a simple hole. If the cut is more complicated it is not a solution to select line after line in order to apply FIT SPLINE function. I use SW 2007.
Edited by: Mihail

