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Hole Shape


New member

When I insert a standard tapped hole, it comes into the model with a drill point @118deg incl, or even flat bottomed if you modify the angle to 180deg.

When I insert a simple hole, it alway comes into the model flat-bottomed with no option for a drill point. It's a p.i.t.a. to have to sketch the hole or save a sketch to re-use.

Why no drill point option? AmI missing something here?

If I am correct in picturing your problem, you have to click on the thread option to open up all the other options in your dialog box.
Add "hole_diameter_override yes" to your config file.

This will allow you tochange the diameter of the hole when using robertib's solution.

This can be done in WF3: in in the 'Shape' sub-menu in Hole Tool, unselect 'Include thread surface'. Since it's just a menu with some (non-)representative graphics, you may think the surface representing the schematic thread form is going to be generated: in fact, the surface will not be generated when you complete the function.
Nope, even if "hole_diameter_override yes" is set I cannot modify the diameter of the tapped hole to a real number.
I'm making an assumption as to how you are trying to modify the value. You need to modify the value within the feature by edit definition, the value you are changing is on the shape tab. You can'tuse edit to modify the values on screen. You will also want to unselect the Include Thread Surface option on the Shape tab.
There is no value for diameter in the shape tab just thread length an
point angle, but i can remove thread surface. The diameter value
only appears in the box where it says e.g. M5 x 1. It will not accept
changes there, nor by editing the feature in the drawing.
dakeb1 said:
Nope, even if "hole_diameter_override yes" is set I cannot modify the diameter of the tapped hole to a real number.

After you selected hole_diameter_override yes, did you click on add/change and then also apply?

Did you save your config options?

I just tried this method (in WF3 this time
) and it worked for me.

Kdem, it looks like your picture.

I notice the diameter box there, but the value is greyed out and cannot be modified.

TobyK, The config option hole_diameter_override is definitely set to yes.

Is there any other setting that would prevent this working?

Can you show a snapshot of your Do use a config.sup file? If you have this value in a config.sup file and it is set toNO it won't get overriden when placed in a file eventhough the value is set to YES. If you have a light grey ball next to the value this means the value isn't being overriden. Here are some pics showing what you're looking for.

View attachment 4777

View attachment 4778

Value is set in the but because it is also set inthe config.sup the value is still set to NO in the current session.

Edited by: kdem

I checked again, and you are right, there is a pixellated grey dot next to it. I checked the config.sup in the same folder and the same option was in there set to "No".

I changed the config.sup to "Yes" and saved it.

Iwent back to, and the option is now set to "Yes" with a green dot next to it.

Though we had this licked.

But the value is still greyed out in the shape tab!

{scratches head}

Am i being a
Just the one config.sup and one are in the pull down

There is a config.cdb file in the same folder. What does that do?

