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hole tables


New member
Hello, I have been trying to create a custom hole table for a few hours so far and i have not had any success. There has been a few helpful posts that break down the proceedure of how to create a hole table.

The process that i have done so far is 1. I copied the UNC.hol file from the <loadpoint>/text/hole and renamed it to NEW.hol and saved it to a safe file on my hard drive.

2. I also went into my and changed the hole_diameter_override to "yes"

3. I changed my hole_parameter_file_path to the same file_path where the NEW.hol file is save

4. Then i restart Pro E and it still does not work.

Am i missing any steps or does anyone have any ideas of what im doing wrong?

Look forward to hearing back from you.
One thing it doesn't look like you did from your steps is change the line for the THREAD_SERIES designation.
you must open the new hole file you created with notepad and you will see at the top something like this








the thread series name must match the name of the hole file. I believe there is a limit to the number of characters you can use.
Awesome! It is working for now. I still need to play around with it for a bit. Thanks for all your help!!!
When modifying my hole chart, is there a way that i can specify the thread depth and hole depth for a given thread size.

For example lets say i want my chart to automatically set the thread depth to 1.12" and the drill depth to 1.75" every time i pick a 1.125-8 UN thread.

I know you can specify the thread ratio but in my case there will be different threads in the table that have different thread depth to drill depth ratios.

I guess what im looking for is a command that i can enter into the hole chart that pro E will read. such as THREAD_DEPTH or something like that.


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